Friday, February 8, 2008

Jennifer Lopez confirms she’s expecting “a boy and a girl”

Jennifer Lopez’s dad accidentally spilled the beans on a Spanish language TV show earlier this week, and now the Latino lovely herself has confirmed she’s expecting a twins - a boy and a girl to be precise. A source at Page Six overhead the ‘Jenny From the Block’ singer at the Marchesa show star confiding to a friend, “I’m having twins: a boy and a girl.”

And when’s she set to drop? “Two weeks! I’m freaking out!” J.Lo laughed. Lopez wowed the crowds yesterday by showing up nine months pregnant to Marchesa, where she revealed to a pal that her due date is February 23, New York magazine reports.

Sporting a sky-high stilettos, the 33-year-old star impressed even the the most jaded of fashionistas, and according to New York magazine, the singer is “so preggers we feared her water would break on our feet, and we don’t want to have to sell our shoes on eBay.”

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